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Looking Forward

Writer's picture: St Giles OnlineSt Giles Online

While we enjoy the peaceful days of August in London, I would like to keep you in the loop with one or two things happening at St. Giles in the coming months, Rev. Tom Sander writes. During August our services continue to follow the normal pattern and morning services will be continued to be supported by the quartet. Many of you will be enjoying a well-deserved break, but St Giles will still be open!

St Giles Day

On Sunday 4 September we look forward to our Patronal Festival. Following on from the 11.00 service we will have a bring and share lunch and you will be able to sign up to bring a dish by emailing Lesley in the parish office.

The patronal weekend is a really good opportunity to introduce a friend to St. Giles and to give thanks for the life and witness of our parish church – think about who you might bring – one of the best ways of growing the church is through friendship and word of mouth. It also is a central part of our discipleship and mission as Christians. Evensong will bring festivities to a close and ‘The Rector’s punch bowl’ (non-alcoholic) will follow the service.

Patronal Services for St. Giles Day

Sunday 4th September

11am Choral Holy Communion followed by bring and share lunch

6.40pm Choral Evensong followed by reception

50th Anniversary of The Prayer Book Society, Westminster Abbey

Saturday 8th October 11am

Visit by The Lord Bishop of London and Confirmation Service

Sunday 16th October 11am

Sunday Volunteers

I am keen to encourage a greater number of people to be involved in the ministry of the church on Sundays. At the back of church you can find a new sign-up sheet for readers and sidespeople. Many already make a great contribution to our services, but if you have yet to sign up, do think about getting involved and taking on a front facing role.

Church Music

We are always seeking ways to enhance the music that forms such an important part of our worship. From the beginning of September, at services of Choral Holy Commuion (normally on the 1st Sunday of the month), we shall retain the sung Creed and introduce sung responses at the ‘sursum corda’ which will lead into the sung preface until the Sanctus. This is not a move towards any churchmanship, but a joining up of the sung parts of the service in a similar way to that enjoyed at Evensong.

2023 | A Year for the Bible

For the whole of next year we will be looking at ways in which we can deepen our understanding of The Bible. Look out for study groups and sermons on that theme and if you would like to be involved or have any ideas, then please let me know. A planning group is due to be formed in September. Similarly, I am beginning to set aside dates for guest preachers next year. If there is a preacher who you would like me to invite, then please do let me know!

Once again I’d like to express my hope and joy for all that is in store for St. Giles over the next few weeks, and I thank you for your part in building up this part of the vineyard!

- Tom

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