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Happy New Year!

Writer: St Giles OnlineSt Giles Online

In this month's parish newsletter, the Rector looks forward to the coming year at St Giles-in-the-Fields.

Happy New Year! I do hope that 2025 is going to be a year of peace and blessing for all of us at St. Giles in the Fields. I write with both news and an invitation.

As we begin this year I would like to invite you to pray. We have just had a ‘Year for Prayer’ with many speakers sharing their insights into spiritual life and growth. But in the same way that its possible to watch as many keep fit videos and read as many exercise books as you like, if you’re not actually going to get up and get moving, then nothing will be achieved.

So to build on all that we have heard and considered, I encourage you to resolve this year to spend more time in prayer and with the scriptures. This will be of direct benefit to you in your life and faith.

The Christian life is one which can only begin to make sense if we set apart time for God. This means praying regularly, preferably daily. I know I am lucky to have a whole church to myself and it is a central part of my vocation to spend time there in prayer. You are all busy people and life can get in the way, but there are ways to make time in the day and we as a church community are here to support you.

This year, Wil James, our lay minister, will be starting a new initiative called “God’s Time” to support the prayer life of our community. Harnessing the wonders of Whatsapp, “God’s Time” will offer an informal community where we can support and nurture our common prayer life. There is more information about this in church in the coming weeks.

As the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said :‘Prayer is putting yourself where God can get at you.’ I think we would all benefit if we were ‘got at’ a little more.

In other news, I am due to take a sabbatical at some point this year. All being well I should be away from St Giles for a few months from the beginning of June. Sabbaticals are offered to clergy every ten years as a means of reflecting on life and doing something which will be of spiritual benefit to ministry. I have not made any concrete plans at this stage, but whatever I do, it will involve two wheels and hopefully some exploring. Watch this space!

And finally, we must note how excellent the past year has been for the St Giles. 2024 has seen a real rise in congregation and some wonderful things coming to fruition. We have had a record number of Baptisms and Confirmations, our curate has been ordained and a new lay minister licensed. The St. Giles Society has brought new people into the church, the history project has been published and a number of practical projects have been achieved around the church.

As I write this I am particularly grateful to my team: my fellow ministers, my churchwardens, our music director Jonathan, our administrator Lesley and all those who serve and work at St. Giles. None of us know exactly what 2025 will bring, but with prayer and by immersing ourselves in the scriptures I hope that we will find God’s blessings. Please do continue to come and invite others to join us here at St. Giles.

God bless you. Have a happy new year!


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